Creature - Sketches(!) and References (+ Up8)


Our current assignment is to work on a creature of some sort, and I've decided on working on a spider/cat hybrid, inspired by 3 different creatures. 
At first I was going to make it more cat-like, but I liked
my simple design after shortly starting modeling it.

Cat-face bug. Known for having a cat face on it's hind.
I took the cat part of this spider, and made it
into my creature's head.
This is a World of Warcraft spider.
The thing I drew from this was the spikes going
down his back.
This is a Pokemon known as Galvantula.
I took the element that it only has 4 legs
rather than the normal 8 on a spider.

 This is my low poly version of my Spider-Cat Hybrid.


Lamp Progress

This is the final product after modeling both high-poly and low-poly versions of my lamp.
The high-poly model was done first, then I made the replica in low-poly.
The only trouble was to add the metal piece, which is the thing that comes out on top to grab like a handle. 

These models were mostly done with bevel, but the metal piece was done with a spline that
was then converted into a polygon, and then attached by vertices onto the lid of the lamp.
I'm okay with the final result.

I wanted to add the paper decorations on the bottom of the lamp, but I can see the "paper" occupying a lot of polygons, so I just decided with the traditional.
If you look closely on the high-poly version of the lamp, I tried to simulate a lid on top that could potentially be opened and closed. I even added a little metal piece to keep it closed.


Lamp - Sketches And References

Main source of inspiration. Traditional Japanese paper lamp.

The lamp I chose to make was a Japanese-styled lamp, where the lamp itself is a sphere
and the source of light is a candle inside it. 
Normally the lamp will have a Japanese "kanji" written over it, and it also is accompanied by
dangling slices of paper which can also have writing, but may just serve as a simple 
decoration, as they can just be strips of colored paper.

Rough sketch and kanji I plan to use on the finished model